10 Seconds Of Insane Courage: How To Unlock Your Courage To Unleash Your Potential

10 Seconds Of Insane Courage: How To Unlock Your Courage To Unleash Your Potential

Matematika Tolong bangett kaaaa bantuin jawabb plissss nanti aku kasi jwban terbaik

Tolong bangett kaaaa bantuin jawabb plissss nanti aku kasi jwban terbaik

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \frac{ {7}^{7}. {7}^{5} }{ {7}^{3} } [/tex]

[tex] = {7}^{7 + 5 - 3} [/tex]

[tex] = {7}^{12 - 3} [/tex]

[tex] = {7}^{9} [/tex]
